Aviation & Maritime
A Comprehensive Training Program On The Identification And Detection Of Bombs And Other Incendiary Devices. Enable Participants To Be Proficient In Detecting Improvised Explosive Devices At International Airports. Provide Participants With The Tools Necessary In Deciding Whether The Threats Are Credible And What Course Of Action Should Be Taken.
Basic explosives theory
Identification and safe treatment
Basic comprehension of regulations
Recognition of common military demolition and material
Understanding of demolition range rules
Rules and regulations major explosives disposal
Initiation and utilization of explosive demolition charges
Triggering methods for improvised explosive devices
Construction of IEDs
Hand dismantling of IEDs
Understanding of building, vehicle, and aircraft search techniques
Training on use of the following EOD unit equipment
Radiography (x-ray)
Hook and line techniques
Water gun disruptor
Specialized explosive charges
Bomb suit and bomb suit communications
Vehicle opening kits
Execute render-safe procedures of IED incidents
Basic knowledge of post blast scene investigations